Deepak Gautam
Deepak Gautam
Rubi Katun
Rubi Katun

“ In this ever changing world, technology has served as basically a very useful tool rather than only an entertainment tool.”

In this ever changing world, technology has served as basically a very useful tool rather than only an entertainment tool. But as it is said if you give a monkey knife to break through a coconut, it will still use its hand. We believe that despite the opportunity to learn everything outside the curriculum using the internet, students have merely understood technology as a tool for entertainment and material used for passing time.

As one of the most prominent African American Leader, Malcolm X, once quoted “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today”, we at the IT club believe that every child who loves technology and dreams to be a programmer or engineer or loves innovation or loves robotics must have the right to be trained, educated and allowed enough opportunities to create something. We believe that the club is the learning pilgrimage for any tech enthusiast who dreams something big but is willing to take step from today even if that is a tiny step. Founded only this year, we aim to provide training related to Web Development, Android Development, Robotics, Cyber Security and others to our young learners and tech enthusiasts. Besides, that the club has already had members from various classes who is willing to tap in infinite possibility and opportunity provided by Internet. The club has already provided seminars and trainings to these young future leaders on the way to learn from Internet and proper utilization of Internet for learning basically anything. Besides this, the club has already organized a programme to all the other KKS students (within and outside IT Club), about the potential hazard of Internet like Social Media Addiction, Cyber Bullying, Scams related to Internet and potential methods and techniques to be protected from such hazards.

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Name of Captain: Shakshi Jaiswal
Name of Vice-Captain: Ritesh Gupta