DS Sharma


The Center for Motivation and Inspiration

Thank you so much to all the valued parents, guardians, co-staffs, students and well-wishers for your continuous support, co-operation and valuable suggestions. We are grateful enough for the valuable time you invest to visit us review the website.
Everything is dynamic so does education based on the present scenarios, market demand, time curriculum, educational strategies, we planned accordingly and continuing to transform and individual to adjust, adopt, capable, self-depend to tackle the challenge on the way. Moreover, to be complete human being we are focusing on practical implementation of knowledge a wisdom to our Slogan and the Motto.
Located at the heart of Teku, dense populated area, we are performing as the bridge to link up present status of the people of locality and the future result that education can provide. We are serving for years to uplift the educational standard of the people of every race, cast, class and status with reasonable fee so that nobody can be deprived of getting quality education. For some purpose, we have offered different scholarship programs for marginalized, disadvantages, victims, differently able for the present reputations, status and success of this organization, school management committee devotee stake holders, and professional and well-renowned members are mainly responsible. Their continuous effort, motivation, guidance and leadership plays vital role for this qualitative, quantative, and progressive result. Accordingly, devotee teaching and non-teaching staffs and all the concerned authorities of this organization their continuous effort, co-operation, coordination, and qualitative learning activities, parental role is equally responsible.
We are planning to make reformation in its current physical infrastructure adopt policy to link up all sorts of learners having diverse background expand existing subjects, faculties, excessive use of ICT, ECA programs and so on. It is a best destination in terms of location fee structure, quality education and all. We have proved as destination of quality education homely environment, parental care.
Finally, we assure to move forward aiming with your valuable suggestions, expectations and demand of time. There is no doubt that the school play the pivotal role to be model, ideal educational institution in this locality along with your continuous support. Accordingly we are hopeful for your support and suggestions to address our drawbacks on time as per our goal and vision in the day to come
“For Knowledge an Wisdom….